Starving for My Five Fav Food Blogs


1. Chicken Parmesan Wrap, Can You Stay for Dinner

2. Beef with Broccoli, Rainy Day Gal
3. Baked Egg-Rolls with Homemade Teriyaki Sauce Got No Milk

4. Multi-Grain Pasta with Lamb and Butternut Squash, Love and Olive Oil

5. Chewy Brownies, What Megan's Making

Starving for My Five Fav Food Blogs


1. Chicken Parmesan Wrap, Can You Stay for Dinner

2. Beef with Broccoli, Rainy Day Gal

3. Baked Egg-Rolls with Homemade Teriyaki Sauce, Got No Milk

4. Multi-Grain Pasta with Lamb and Butternut Squash, Love and Olive Oil

5. Chewy Brownies, What Megan's Making
There are so many amazing food blogs out in world that I wanted to share a few that I have recently discovered. I have visited a number of recipe sites but I never really get the feeling of a shared cooking experience (my attempt at cooking from a recipe at like I do when I visit these food blogs. I enjoy reading and cooking along with these editors.

I am insecure when it comes to the kitchen so being able to interact with the editors of these blogs makes my love of cooking that much easier. Among the details of the recipes, the photos on these sites are incredible.

I have not indulged in these blogs as much as I would like to yet, but from what I have seen, I know I have a lot of good reading, cooking and baking ahead. Here are a few food blogs that make me hungry!

  1. Can You Stay for Dinner - An amazing life story told through cooking, baking and 135 weight lost. This blog is more than just recipes.
  2. Rainy Day Gal - I really like this blog. The food choices are so perfect for my kind of appetite and my growing cooking skills.
  3. Got No Milk - A dairy free cooking blog. It's possible and it all looks delicious.
  4. Love & Olive Oil - "The culinary adventures of Lindsay and Taylor. We're all about quick and flavorful dishes that don't hurt the wallet". I couldn't say it better. They are masters at that combination.
  5. What Megan's Making - Everything cooked or baked in this blog is right up my appetite alley. I get carried away with cooking possibilities when I visit What Megan's Making. Now that I think about it, what is Megan making this week?
Here are a few honorable mentions: Food.People.WantSmitten Kitchen, and Get Off Your Butt and Bake.

There are plentiful amount of food blogs out there so let me know your favorites, they might become one of my favorites as well. Eat up!

How to Build a Wearable Wardrobe

Now that Fashion Week is over we have the opportunity to put all the amazing designs into reality and build a wearable wardrobe closet.

Keisha Tackles New York Sharks Sophomore Season


homemade Bailey's Irish Cream


My Unofficial Fashion Week

​Parties, dresses, goodies, champagne and excitement sums up the experience I had during my unofficial fashion week.

I was a rookie at this years fashion week, while it was unofficial, I did manage to make it to a number of exciting events, meet some amazing people and find the

so I am taking notes and learning from the seasoned pros like my good friend Tracy Hopkins of Everything She Wants. Tracy has been an amazing mentor and a great source for fashion week tips and blogger dos and don't.

Hello and thank you to all my new readers, some of whom I met at Fashion Week, some of whom sent in emails, pictures, quotes, encouragements and some whom I am looking forward to meet soon. My first visit will be to Chicago, so all my Chi-town readers, send in your recommendations!

I am a rookie at this years fashion week, so I am taking notes and learning from the seasoned pros like my good friend Tracy Hopkins of Everything She Wants. Tracy has been an amazing mentor and a great source for fashion week tips and blogger do's and don'ts.

Big City Little Dog Fashion Show


Tonight, Fashion Week goes to the dogs!

Before Westminster crowns best in show over at Madison Square Garden, across the street at the New Yorker hotel, there’s a chance for regular old dogs to strut their stuff. Tonight's event is the Big City Little Dog Fashion show, part of the Westminster Dog Show. The fashion show is a fundraiser for Angel on a Leash, which trains therapy dogs for sick children and seniors.

I will be attending this event with my little pup Capote. Hopefully, we can make our way down the runway. He's too cute to resist.

Since it is a fashion show, finding the right outfit is key, more importantly for Capote since this is a fashion show for him and his friends. I think I know exactly what we'll wear.

Stay tuned for updates on the show itself and if Capote and I made it on the stage. I know some of you have not seen my pup, Capote yet, soon you will see him in all his cuteness glory.

If anyone will be in the NYC area on tonight, stop by the New Yorker Hotel for the Big City Little Dog Fashion show and meet Fashion's best dressed on four legs!

Big City Little Dog Fashion Show


Tonight, Fashion Week goes to the dogs!

Before Westminster crowns best in show over at Madison Square Garden, across the street at the New Yorker hotel, there’s a chance for regular old dogs to strut their stuff. Tonight's event is the Big City Little Dog Fashion show, part of the Westminster Dog Show. The fashion show is a fundraiser for Angel on a Leash, which trains therapy dogs for sick children and seniors.

I will be attending this event with my little pup Capote. Hopefully, we can make our way down the runway. He's too cute to resist.

Since it is a fashion show, finding the right outfit is key, more importantly for Capote since this is a fashion show for him and his friends. I think I know exactly what we'll wear.

Stay tuned for updates on the show itself and if Capote and I made it on the stage. I know some of you have not seen my pup, Capote yet, soon you will see him in all his cuteness glory.

If anyone will be in the NYC area on tonight, stop by the New Yorker Hotel for the Big City Little Dog Fashion show and meet Fashion's best dressed on four legs!

Love Thy Apartment

I have been out in the streets all last week and continuing strong through this week. So when I get time to go home and rest up for another day, I want to make sure that my home is my oasis away from the bustle of the day.

I have added a few pieces to make my home a lot more comfortable. I noticed what's

Create Your Own Look Book


Office Space II: The Makeover


Noble Pig: Pepperoni Pizza Puffs

Noble Pig: Pepperoni Pizza Puffs

The Best of SAG Awards 2011 Fashion

SAG Awards 2011 Jennifer Lawrence Oscar de la Renta
Jennifer Lawrence, Oscar de la Renta 
SAG Awards 2011 Mila Kunis Alexander McQueen
Mila Kunis, Alexander McQueen

SAG Awards 2011 January Jones Caroline Herrera
January Jones, Caroline Herrera

SAG Awards 2011 Lea Michele Oscar de la Renta
Lea Michele, Oscar de la Renta
SAG Awards 2011 Hilary Swank Salvatore Ferragamo
Hilary Swank, Salvatore Ferragamo

Senso Neve vs Acne Boots



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